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Still only $5 per visit.

Chair yoga class is being offered at St. John the Divine in the church hall (enter through the 5th  Street door) and is open to everyone.  The classes are drop-in for $5 each session and run every Wednesday 11:30am to 12:15pm. For more information, contact the church 250-334-4331 or

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga stretching that is practiced sitting on a chair or standing using a chair for support. There are no complicated maneuvers, just simple movements. All you need to participate are comfortable clothes that allow you to breathe fully. This is a great practice for everyone. Chair yoga improves flexibility. It may help with the symptoms of many health issues. This includes the following: Hypertension (high blood pressure),  Arthritis,  Vertigo,  Multiple sclerosis,  Osteoporosis, and  Chronic pain.