Ways to Donate 

During this time of isolation, we are trying to make it easier to continue your weekly givings.

Parishioners Automatic Withdrawal (PAR)

With automatic withdrawal directly from your bank account to St. John the Divine you can conveniently, consistently and joyfully give your financial gifts to help our Church’s ministry. 

Just complete the form below and return it to the church either by scanning it and emailing it to admin@sjtdcourtenay.ca, or mailing it to the church or simply putting it in an envelop and dropping it through the church mail slot. Don't forget to include your VOIDED cheque.


St. John the Divine now  accepts e-transfers and can be sent to the following email address:

Make sure to include your full name, envelope # and where you would like the funds allocated.

If you are a renter paying for the use of our facilities, make sure to state that it is for a rental, your full name and the dates you used the hall.

Canada Helps

Donations can be made through Canada Helps