We are excited to be holding our first Sunday morning in-person service this weekend (September 13th.) While very different with distancing, masking, and other covid-safety requirements, the order of service will be similar to what we are familiar with - the choir will provide hymns and there will be Holy Communion. For those who are not present, a recording of the service will be sent out on Sunay evening. A reminder, if you plan to attend Sunday services it is important you call the office (250-334-4331) or email (admin@sjtdcourtenay.ca) before Friday noon each week to reserve a seat as we cannot safely accommodate more than 40 people in the church.
I'd also like to draw your attention to the webinar series "Living our Vision" which was held over the past few weeks and recordings of the presentations which are now posted on the diocesan website (see https://bc.anglican.ca/podcasts/media). I highly recommend them for viewing especially as our parish contemplates the end of the interim period and looks forward to a new era of growth and ministry in the community.
With every blessing,