Dear friends,
Some have asked for a text file of the devotion to read, so that is attached as well.
Today we begin the three days (measured from evening to evening) which are at the core of our Christian faith and take us from the Last Supper, to the cross on Good Friday, to vigil at the tomb and to the joy of Easter morning. There will be two more videos coming from within our church this weekend, Stations of the Cross on Good Friday and an Easter Sunday devotion.
This is an Easter long weekend like no other. Please resist the urge to go out and be with others. Let's heed the strong direction from our healthcare and civic leaders to stay home and remain physically (but not socially!) distanced from everyone. May I suggest you be sure to reach out to someone this Easter weekend by phone or online - a neighbour, a friend or another church member, so we are all connected in some way. By the way those few of us who are popping into the church this weekend to prepare the videos are being very careful to keep physical distance and to sanitize every surface we touch.
Finally, our parish has also received an Easter message from Bishop Logan which is posted under NEWS on our parish website and on our Facebook page.
Be well and be at peace, Alan
Video and text file below.
image: Paynter, David, 1900-1975. Jesus washing the disciples' feet, detail of mural, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.