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Hello all,

Herewith a video devotion for September 6, 2020 the Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost (and beginning of the Season of Creation.)

This will be our last recording sent out on Saturday evenings for viewing on Sunday mornings. Please join me in thanking our Music Director Dagmar Kilian and those choristers who came out each week to be recorded. Also our faithful team of readers.

Next Sunday, September 13th, will be our first in-person Sunday morning service since March 15th! Those services will be recorded and sent out later on Sunday afternoons or evenings, and we hope to graduate to livestreaming the Sunday morning and Wednesday services once we have all of our technological ducks in a row! A special thank you to Eric Macdonald who has done much by researching, learning and installing said technology.

A reminder that if you are planning to attend the service next Sunday morning and future Sunday mornings ((we hope you do!) it is important you let us know by telephone (250-334-4331) or email ( by noon on the preceding Friday so that we can ensure we keep our numbers within the maximum permitted.

With every blessing,